/** * Write a description of class VehicleTest here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class VehicleTest { // instance variables - replace the example below with your own public static void main(String[] args) { int sizeOfArray = 3; Vehicle[] vehicleList = new Vehicle[3]; /* vehicleList[0] = new Car( ); // INSERT PARAMETERS vehicleList[1] = new Truck( ); // INSERT PARAMETERS vehicleList[2] = new SUV( ); // INSERT PARAMETERS */ /* you must create the Utility class * The Utility class should have the method * * public static void printVehicleList(Vehicle[] theVehicles) * & * // this method will fill an array of Vehicles * // Each vehicle will actually be instantiated as either a car,truck, or SUV * public static Vehicles[] read(String filename, int size) * * Using your datafile that you did for HW 2 days ago, to test your read method, make the following change: * Above, where we declare and initialize the vehicleList array, initialize it to be what is returned by the * read method and delete the three lines below it. */ // Utilty.printVehicleList(vehicleList); } }