Tested in A, AB exam Tested in AB exam only Potentially relevant to CS1/CS2 course but not tested
int, double, boolean   short, long, byte, char, float
+ , -, *, /, %, ++, --   Using the values of ++, -- expressions in other expressions
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=    
==, !=, <, <=",">, >=



&&, ||, ! and short-circuit evaluation   <<,>>, >>>, &, ~, |, ^, ?:
(int), (double)   Other numeric casts such as (char) or (float)
String concatenation   StringBuffer
Escape sequences \", \\, \n inside strings   Other escape sequences (\', \t, \unnnn)
System.out.print, System.out.println, Stream input/output, GUI input/output, parsing input, formatted output
    public static void main(String[] args)
1-dimensional arrays 2-dimensional rectangular arrays Arrays with 3 or more dimensions, ragged arrays
if, if/else, while, for, return   do/while, switch, break, continue
Modify existing classes, design classes    
public classes, private instance variables, public or private methods or constants   protected or package visibility
static final class variables   final local variables, final parameters, final instance variables, final methods, final classes
static methods   static non-final variables
null, this, super, super.method(args)   this.var,
Constructors and initialization of static variables   Default initialization of instance variables, initialization blocks
Understand inheritance hierarchies. Design and implement subclasses. Modify subclass implementations and implementations of interfaces.    
Understand the concepts of abstract classes and interfaces. Design an interface. Design and implement abstract classes  
Understand equals, ==, and != comparison of objects
  clone, implementation of equals
Conversion to supertypes and (Subtype) casts   instanceof
    Nested classes,inner classes
Package concept, import packageName.ClassName;   import x.y.*, defining packages, class path
Exception concept, common exceptions, Throwing standard unchecked exceptions Checked exceptions try/catch/finally, throws
String, Math, Random, Object, ArrayList Comparable, List, Set, Map, Iterator, ListIterator, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, TreeMap  
Wrapper classes (Integer, Double)    
    Sorting methods in Arrays and Collections