//	A vector is a data structure that holds data in list.  It is used like an array
//	but has range checking and can be resized.  All elements of the vector
//  must be the same data type.  This program gives examples of filling and
// 	outputting a vector.  Experiment with the different numbers in the code,
//  making sure you understand

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
void fill (vector<int>& v);
void display (vector<int> & v);

int main()
	int length=10;
	vector<int> list(length,0);	// Defines a vector 'list'  of integers and initializes each element to 0

return 0;

void display (vector<int> & v)	// The '&' denotes that v is a reference parameter.
{								// It saves memory to pass a parameter by reference
	int i;
	for ( i=0;i<v.size();i++)		// size() is a public function that returns the number of elements
		cout<<setw(5)<<v[i];	// Experiment by changing the 5 to different numbers.
	}							// What do you think 'setw' stands for?


void fill (vector<int> & v)		// Here again v is a reference parameter.   v will be filled, and
{								// therefore, changed by this function.
	int i;
	for ( i=0;i<v.size();i++)
			v[i] = i;