VECTOR Fun - The Ultimate Extra Credit
SETUP: Create a new folder in your vector folder called "vectorBannedWords" --> give it that same name for the console application.
TASK: You are to create a new program that takes a string and removes words from it that appear in a vector.
Your program's main method should:
You will need at the top of your program:
#include <vector>
#include <string>
Your task is to take a long string object and remove all the words from it that appear in the vector bannedWords
Use string.h [list of capabilities] --> You will need to use (at least) erase(), find(), length()
Using Vectors [list of capabilities]
You will need to use cin.getline(text, 256); to get a full text
/* AUTHOR: YOUR NAME DATE: ______ DESCRIPTION: This program removes all banned words from a given text. */ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; void getBannedWords (vector<string>&); string getText (); void removeBadWords(vector<string>&, string&); void display (string); int main()
cout << "Welcome to the bad word removal program." << endl;
string text = getText();
cout << " You entered: " << text << endl;;
vector<string> bannedWords;
removeBadWords(bannedWords, text);
cout << endl << "Text after removals: ";
cout << text;
return 0;