Lab Assignment #2: Car Class
Date Assigned: Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Due Date: Thursday, October 5, 2006
Class Time Available: Those two days - you should finish the first part on Tuesday.
Program Outline

In your server space in the APCS folder, create a new folder called "Labs". Go into BlueJ and create a new project called "Car".

Your task is to create the Car Class as described here. It is scaled down from what we began last class. We will build the more complete, comprehensive database program after we finish the car class.

Use this as the application program to test it.

GRADING - This assignment is worth 30 points.
Performance Points
Program runs. 5
The drive method works correctly. 5
Accessors/modifiers work. 5
The fillTank(param) method works. 10
Style/Documentation 5
Design Concerns

Throwing exceptions.


fillTank(int numGallons) // should throw an exception if the numGallons is greater than amount needed to fill

The application program should 'try-catch' for this.