Mr. Merlis
AP CSI - Java 2007-2008
Course Description
This is an introductory college
level course. The curriculum is
determined by the College Board. The programming
language is JAVA. Most concepts will be
taught in the context of solving problems.
Class time will be spent in lecture, discussion, assessment, and lab
work. There will be programming,
reading, and writing assignments.
The course is an extension of the
introductory Java classes you took last year (or previously), and you should
already be familiar with most of the Java syntax. In the AP class, we will spend the first
quarter reviewing basic concepts and then moving onto Data Structures. You will take the Computer
Grades will be based on a simple
point system. Point values will be
assigned to homework, programming assignments, daily exercises, written
assignments, quizzes, and tests. A student’s
final grade will be the ratio of earned points to possible points.
Staying organized is the number
one most important thing you can do to ensure success within this class, within
your other classes, and your entire life.
Be sure to not only organize the handouts and paperwork from this class,
but your personal computer system and
files as well. This translates
straight into what will you be graded on, particularly the naming conventions
and style of your programs.
Materials / Supplies
of Machines and Software
Students are responsible for
careful use of both machines and software.
There is absolutely no eating or
drinking in the lab. A student that
misuses a machine will be removed from class for the remainder of the
period. On the second offense, the
student will be assigned to a learning lab and removed from the course. Any
malfunctions should be reported at once. The printer should only be used to print notes/handouts
related to this course.
It is expected that all students will participate in the
daily discussions. If you are absent,
you must make up the work immediately.
Falling behind in a class such as this can be very difficult – use the
website to ensure you are keeping pace with the course.
Extra Help