At this point, we should have:

        A read method in the utility class that fills an array of vehicles based upon TYPE.

        A car, truck, and SUV class with constructors.

        The following methods in the Dealer Class

          public int  numberOfTrucks()   

          public int  numberOfConvertibles()

          public double averagePrice()

          public double findLeastExpensive()

          public double findBestEfficiency()

          public Vehicle[ ] allOfMake (String make)

          public Vehicle[] findCheaperThan(double price)

          public static Vehicle[ ] sortByEfficiency ()

          public Vehicle withEfficiency(double efficiency)


         Update all your documentation and JavaDoc your project 

         public static Vehicle[ ]  findMakeModel(String make, String model) // use && operator and equals

        public static Vehicle[ ] sortByPrice()// use the insertion sort