Turtle Practical Exam - 20 points

1. Create a new class in the BetterTurtle project called "BorderApp"
2. Delete ALL the code in that class INCLUDING THE JavaDoc. (Literally everything.)
3. Copy the CODE below (including! the JavaDoc) into BorderApp
4. Use 'jesse' (the StarTurtle in the main method) to create the image you see below.

- You may want to use graph paper.
- Notice that the image must be symmetric and centered on the (lower part of the) page.
- [Notice that the image appears about 80% down the page (do not draw at the "center" vertically of the screen.)]
- Compile and run your program FREQUENTLY to see how it is progressing.

If you do not have a functional StarTurtle, I have included the code below (click the link.)
You should ALL have SmartTurtle working correctly. If you don't, then you did not do prior assignments.

 * This program will draw a bottom border using the different methods a StarTurtle has.
 * It will also use methods that StarTurtle inherits from the SmartTurtle.
 * @author (your name) 
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class BorderApp
    public static void main(String[] args)
        StarTurtle jesse;
        jesse = new StarTurtle();
        // (ERASE THIS) You should put your code below to draw what you see in the picture
    }// end the main method
}// end the class

StarTurtle methods

When finished, refer back to the agenda for today.