PFTI 2006-2007 Agenda
Class # Date Agenda
1 1/30/2007
2 2/1/2007
  • Quiz - You will have to write the outline of an HTML page from memory.
  • Quick Discussion Points
    • Remembering "All Files" in Notepad (to see HTM files)
    • Naming conventions (A2.htm)
    • Indicating assignment completion
  • Assignment #2 - Displaying Text
  • Assignment #3 - Lists
3 2/5/2007
4 2/7/2007

QUIZ NEXT CLASS on writing tags

5 2/9/2007

QUIZ #2 [HTML Basics]

Continue working on the assignments.

Assignment #6 - Forms

6 2/13/2007

- Give back quizzes
- Vocabulary to learn: DEFINITE, A LOT, Schedule

Finish Assignments 3 and 4.
You should start Assignment #5 - Tables by the end of today.

7 2/26/2007


NEW: Assignment #6 - Forms

Assignment 7

9 3/02/2007

Continue working on the assignments

Quiz Next class

10 3/06/2007

HTML Programming Practical - TAKE A HANDOUT. On the back is the grading scheme

When you are finished, please write your NAME on the back page and hand it in to me. You can then continue working on the assignments.

TIMELINE: #5 (tables) should be finished by TODAY. You should complete #6 (forms) by next class at the absolute latest. Next Monday we will begin presentations of #7. We will start Javascript some time next week.

11 3/08/2007

Discuss the Programming Practical
Talk about your spelling: Spelling List

Finish Assignment #6 - Forms and Assignment 7.
Next week we begin presentations.

12 3/12/2007 Presentations - Nick, Corey, David S., David K
Our first look at DHTML and the Document Object Model (DOM) | onClick Sample
13 3/14/2007 Continue with Assignment 7
14 3/16/2007 More Presentations/Finish Assignment 7
15 3/20/2007

Last day to work on Assignment 7 in class
If done:
- Check out the CSS Tutorial
- Make a page called learningCSS.htm that uses a little bit from each lesson
- Check out the info on links and experiment with them
- Check out the concept of the "z-index" (layering your objects for overlapping)

16 3/22/2007 Presentations | Begin Javascript
Looked at Unit #1, created our template page
Started Unit #2, left off at "Some Javascript Statements"
17 3/26/2007 Continue with our Javascript Tutorial/Assignments
Finish Lesson 2, start Lesson 3 (variables) - Look at a basic for loop
18 3/28/2007 Continue with Lesson 3
19 3/30/2007 Last presentations - continue with Javascript
20 4/3/2007 10 Week Test
21 4/05/2007 Continue with our Javascript Tutorial/Assignments
Show me your assignments 3-1 and 3-2
You should now be reading Lesson 4 on your own and beginning Assignment 4
22 4/17/2007 We will look at Lesson 4 together in the Tutorial
Continue work, show me assignment 4 when done
Keep going
23 4/19/2007 TODAY IS A WORK-DAY - Javascript Tutorial/Assignments
Finish Assignment 4
Go onto Assignment 5
24 4/23/2007

Discuss Assignment 5 --> Look at Lesson 6
Continue work on the assignments

Lessons 4 and 5 should be done by next class. (6 done by Friday)

25 4/25/2007

DO NOW (save as Day25.htm)
- Make a button that says "Red Background". When clicked, the BG turns red.
- Make a text field. After the user types something and clicks on the screen (onBlur=), an alert box should appear with just the first half of the letters.*

*You can use ".length" to determine how many letters are in a string. You will also need to use ".substr"

Continue with the assignments. 4 and 5 should be shown to me TODAY. You should be finishing up 6 and moving on to Lesson 7.

26 4/27/2007

Learning about GOOGLE

Experiment with the world creation program: Alice

27 5/01/2007

Continue with the Javascript Tutorial/Assignments.

QUIZ NEXT CLASS on using string functions and google

28 5/03/2007 QUIZ
29 5/07/2007 Discussed Lesson 7
30 5/09/2007 Continue with the Javascript Tutorial/Assignments.
31 5/11/2007 Programming Day
32 5/15/2007 Read Lesson 8 together (last half class is programming)
At this point, Assignment 7 should be done today (if keeping pace)
33 5/17/2007 Continue with your assignments
34 5/21/2007 You should now be working through Assignment 8 and nearing Assignment 9
Tenatively, Wed, 5/30 will be the last day to complete the nine assignments.
[programming day]
35 5/23/2007 PROGRAMMING DAY
36 5/25/2007 Setup the PHP Servers
Go to Network Places, create new: (student/student)
Continue programming -> This is our last day on Javascript.
You must complete the EIGHT assignments. #9 will be extra credit.
37 5/30/2007 Start PHP
38 6/1/2007 Continue working on the PHP Assignments.
NOTE: Each page provides numerous helpful tips to assist you in completing the assignments. I expect that you will be done with assignments 1 and 2 and working on number 3 by the end of today's class. If you make it to assignment 5, be very careful in programming it!
39 6/5/2007 Continue working on PHP assignments
40 6/7/2007 LAST DAY OF CLASS :(
I will check off any Javascript assignments I'm yet to see
I will be checking your PHP files through the server as well
You should complete through 4. 5+ are EC.
41 6/13/2007 PFTI FINAL: 7:50 to 9:35am