PFTI 2009 Agenda
Class # Date Agenda
1 2/03/2009
2 2/05/2009
  • Quiz - You will have to write the outline of an HTML page from memory.
  • Creating our files
    • Remembering "All Files" in Notepad (to see HTM files)
    • Naming conventions (A2.htm)
    • Indicating assignment completion
  • Assignment #2 - Displaying Text
3 2/09/2009
4 2/11/2009


5 2/13/2009

WARMUP - Do this on a SEPARATE SHEET of paper.

QUIZ NEXT CLASS on writing tags

Continue working on the assignments.

Assignment #6 - Forms

6 2/24/2009

QUIZ on writing tags

- Give back quizzes
- Vocabulary to learn: DEFINITE, A LOT, Schedule

Finish Assignments 3 and 4.
You should start Assignment #5 - Tables by the end of today.

Assignment #6 - Forms | Assignment 7

7 2/26/2009

Table Lesson - A real life example - Picture for Photoshop


NEW: Assignment #6 - Forms


8 3/02/2009

Setup the Site in Dreamweaver
**Continue with Photoshop demo**

Assignment 7

Look at Dreamweaver


Continue working on the assignments
Quiz Next class

10 3/06/2009

Quiz - Finish Assignment 5, make progress on Assignment 6
Also working on Assignment 7 and Extra Credit

11 3/10/2009

Take the quiz that was supposed to be taken last class

- You should be on Assignment 6 by now. (Must be complete by Thursday)
- Assignment 7 is due by next Monday.
- We will then move on to Javascript/PHP

12 3/12/2009

- HTML Programming Practical Next class (Create a page that looks like the one provided)

All assignments up to five (tables) should already be finished.
You should complete ##6 - Forms by next class at the absolute latest.
A# 7 should be completed by 3/16. There will be limited class time to work on it.

If done:
- Check out the CSS Tutorial
- Make a page called learningCSS.htm that uses a little bit from each lesson
- Check out the info on links and experiment with them
- Check out the concept of the "z-index" (layering your objects for overlapping)

13 3/16/2009

HTML Programming Practical - TAKE A HANDOUT. On the back is the grading scheme
Picture of Chris Running | Picture of Glacier Park Sign

When you are finished, please write your NAME on the back page and call me over to check your page. You can then continue working on the assignments.

- Quick Lesson about Forms and PHP

Finish Assignments 6 and 7.
If done:
- Check out the CSS Tutorial
- Make a page called learningCSS.htm that uses a little bit from each lesson
- Check out the info on links and experiment with them
- Check out the concept of the "z-index" (layering your objects for overlapping)

Begin Javascript

14 3/18/2009

Finish Assignments 6 and 7

Start the PHP Tutorial - Read the first page - you should have PHP Assignments 1 and 2 done by next class.

15 3/20/2009

Finish Assignments 6 and 7
Start the PHP Tutorial - Read the first page - you should have PHP Assignments 1 and 2 done by next class.

16 3/24/2009

Look at DHTML and the Document Object Model (DOM) | onClick Sample
Continue with the PHP Assignments

17 3/26/2009

-Complete the PHP Do-Now
(You do not need to make a webpage to do it - just the line of code.)
- Discuss where we are/what is expected
- Continue with the PHP assignments (You should be working on Assignment 4 today.)
- When you finish the PHP Assignments - do this tutortial: mySQL/phpmyadmin

I anticipate that we will complete the PHP assignments (through 6) next week, moving on to our mySQL unit the week after that.

18 3/30/2009 - Continue with the PHP assignments (You should get up to Assignment 4 or 5 today.)
- When you finish the PHP Assignments - do this tutorial: mySQL/phpmyadmin
19 4/1/2009 - Continue with the PHP assignments (Can you complete assignment 5?)
There will be a test next class covering HTML and PHP. You will be required to think and also program a page.
20 4/3/2009 10 Week Test
PHP Source Code for the back page
Finish any backwork when done.
21 4/7/2009

Give back the exams.
Javascript Code

Final day to work on PHP projects before we start mySQL

22 4/9/2009



23 4/21/2009

Start our mySQL Project


24 4/23/2009

Learn how to connect our sites to mySQL databases
Generate SQL statements
List data

Second Half of class
Integrate scripts from this page into your website:

Have fun, play around, be creative!


25 4/27/2009

MYSQL Continued
inserting data | Form we will use (copy the SOURCE code from this form)
WHERE clause

Delete | WHERE
mysql.php | addEditUser.php

We started logins (precursor to sessions.)

mysql.php | addEditUser.php

26 4/29/2009

Continue with sessions.
Discuss applications.

We are structuring our first major website. The Handout
editUser.php code | login.php

27 5/01/2009

DO AS MANY of the Javascript Assignments as you can! :)

28 5/05/2009

We are learning how to INSERT INTO/UPDATE/DELETE data through PHP.

29 5/07/2009

1) ADD username/password to the form
2) Modify the SQL table STRUCTURE to include a username and password field as VARCHAR [20]
2) Modify the INSERT INTO SQL statement to add the username/password to the SQL

30 5/11/2009


Look at UPDATE and DELETE - discuss advanced SQL queries
Handout - MYSQL Tour Page 4

31 5/13/2009

Discuss different types of sites we can make
Different types of queries we may want

32 5/15/2009

Complete the test (for those who missed)
Add login tracking to our website
Next class we will go over the tests.

33 5/19/2009 Take the Test
34 5/21/2009 Go over the tests/Art Show
35 5/27/2009 Finish the "Class" schedule table/input
36 5/29/2009

Look at the Class Schedule Program


37 6/02/2009 Continue work on your final project. :)
38 6/04/2009 Nathan and the rest of the class.... see class #37
39 6/08/2009

Continue work on your final project.

It should be nearly complete at the end of class!

40 6/10/2009 First half of class finishing projects, second half seeing them. :)
41 6/15/2009 FINAL EXAM: 9:40am to 11:20am